
BUREAU D’ESPOIR - Elke van Campenhout & Aude Thensiau

11:00 - 21:00 • bureau de recherche

In Bureau d’Espoir Elke Van Campenhout and Aude Thensiau open up a research office developing, exporting, designing and therapeutically redefining hope.

Bureau d’Espoir is a critical hope-project : a project about hope on the edge of extinction. A project about hope in the now, disregarding the future. About hope as a social choreography, disregarding my private expectations. About hope as availability, vulnerability and relational desires.

Everyone is welcome in Bureau d’Espoir to buy, to sell, to exchange or to attend. Every one is invited to excavate the last remnants of hope, refine it, and export it. Every one can produce hope, consume hope and design hope during one of our working sessions.

’Bureau d’Espoir’ est développé au cours d’une résidence au MicroMarché, dans le cadre du Thematics ’Do it yourself’, un projet de Bains Connective an collaboration de a.pass.