
BRUSSELS D.C. - 3 man with a mission

Construction of Dry Toilets + Compost Questions and Mapping 09:00-11:00-..., trip from Jette to Micromarché, workshop

BRUSSELS D.C. - 3 man with a mission

Brussels District of Columbia/Europe or Brussels Dry Closet?! Brussels DeConstruct oR Brussels DeCompose?!

A somewhat self-assured Brussels is cleansing its black water in far away lands. While the dry alternative is not only an energy bomb, but also a magical fertiliser, useable on the spot. Good earth through turds and no little relief. And/or the other way round. Hang Brussels out to dry, healthy and on site. Of the required sites, 3 models will be mapped out. Mapping device is a wheel barrow, celebrated four by four of every outdoor person and on closer look spitting image of … a confor/m/table toilet. Lack of land leads to far too many of them rusting away on terrains subjected to rain. Roll out your wheel barrows, and push them through from one Brussels green pole to the next via the offensively public system of Brussel D.C.

To get an impression of what to expect on your plate, appetisers are served 25/04, 11am in and near Dé Boomgu/aard in Jette.

01/05, 09:00-11:00-..., journey from Jette to Micromarché, workshop.

08/05, ...-...-..., journey from Micromarché to Molenbeek, workshop.

05/05, ...-...-..., journey from Molenbeek to Flagey, workshop.