
#4__Sept__Platform Preparations

location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

agenda: Preparation for November Forum


  • KUD Mreza and other groups from Slovenia
  • 13 international partner-initiatives.

The meeting will take place at the Autonomous Cultural Centre Metelkova during the week that hosts the annual celebrations of the squatting of the centre in 1993. Apart from further defining various contents and strategies that we have in common, and that could be developed into a possible platform, we will also concern ourselves with finding ways by which local initiatives while, for instance, remaining quite specific and particular, can nonetheless still benefit from international dialogue and leverage. The context of the meeting should also allow for many informal, yet still productive, contacts and exchanges with diverse individuals and groups either working within Metelkova or outside it. At the same time, preparations for the November Forum in 2010 will also include at least some some provisional explorations into the possibilities of our activities and development in 2011.