Urban Platform

On 19-20-21 November 2010 City Mine(d) finishes the first part of ‹‹Krax›› and ‹‹Micronomics››. Five years of interventions, jornadas, festivals etc., produced a lot of connections and ideas in many different cities. The sum of these connections is a movement that benefits people in those cities. They can use the visibility and prestige of "the international", and still have all the flexibility of "local and small scale initiatives".

Now, we are proposing a framework, that turns these connections and this know-how into a public good that allows fragile groups to be strengthened and successful initiatives to share their experience. The framework will be written out in a document, call it a charter, that can create a sense of belonging, inspire people to action and state the shared political aspirations of those involved. It is not a flag to march or hide behind, but rather a springboard. It also shows that people who work from the bottom-up for a more equal, democratic and sustainable city are part of a larger movement.

City Mine(d) invites EVERYBODY with ideas for, about and with their city to come to Brussels on 19-20-21 November 2010, to share those ideas, find allies, and put the framework into practice. More information ‹‹here›› or email to info at citymined dot org

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Have you ever imagined using your cities’ streets, squares or parks to make, do, learn, teach, share or show things?

Or to work on things like how to use left-over spaces to grow food, get rid of the waste we create by making and eating food, or just just talk about ways to prepare a good meal? When was the last time you had a picnic in your city?

Micronomics tries all these things and more. On the first 3 Saturdays of May 2010, we bring together a wide variety of initiatives that use urban spaces as places of expression, experiment and debate. They stretch from urban gardening over bicycle projects and neighbourhood initiatives to DIY-ing and actions to support the rights of citizens of a different colour of skin, sexual orientation or social class. What they have in common is their spontaneous and informal character, their non-hierarchical structure, and the fact that they are urban not despite the city, but because of the city.

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MicroMarché • Steenkoolkaai 9 Quai à a Houille - 1000 Bxl • 11:00-23:00 •

08 May

• Molenbeek • Chaussée de Gand + Compte de Flandre • 13:00-18:00 •

15 May

• Flagey •